تقدم “Keemala”ملاذًا استوائيًا حميميًا يمثل تجربة نادرة حقًا. التصميمات المميزة لـ 38 فيلا غريبة الأطوار تنضح بمزيج مثالي من الرقي والأصالة والاهتمام بالمناطق المحيطة
تم نحت فيلاتنا الريفية، ولكن الفخمة ، باعتبارها امتدادًا للمناظر الطبيعية للمنتجع، حيث تنسج الأشجار القديمة والجداول الجبلية بسلاسة في التصميم. يصور كل نمط من أنماط الفلل الأربعة تقاليد مستوطني فوكيت الأوائل ، بدءًا من عشيرة ‘Pa-Ta-Pea’ التي كانت تعتز بالحياة التي ترعاها الأرض ، إلى شعب ‘Khon-Jorn’ الذي رغب في العيش الرحل، ‘We-Ha “العشيرة التي عبدت الكون وعشيرة” العش “التي كانت تتوق إلى التفرد.
عند الخروج من شرنقة الفيلات، يقع الضيوف في إيقاع الهدوء وبساطة الحياة. يسخر صفاء Mala Spa الطاقات العلاجية من اللمسات التقليدية ووسائل الراحة في المنتجع الصحي الواعية، بينما ينغمس برنامج "أسلوب الحياة الشامل" في العافية والتجارب التقليدية التي تلهم الإحساس بالانسجام مع الذات.
Once upon a time, traders and merchants travelled the ancient routes along the Sea Silk Road. The colossal 6400km maritime trading route linked the Eastern and Western worlds.
This Sea Silk Road covered vast distances, connecting faraway cities, commercial centers and ports. Merchant ships and caravans carried and traded goods such as silk, gold, jade, tea, and spices along this route.
At the height of the trade, a caravan departed Southern Europe and set its course for Eastern China, along the way gathering and selling goods in Eastern Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia. As it left each port, more and more merchant ships joined the journey; the caravan grew dramatically.
Understand the way of life of the clans by enjoying the types of accommodation they lived in.
Experience some of the healing treatments derived by ancient wisdom and beliefs.
This extended journey took several years to complete. The group of travelers came from many diverse cultures and origins. Along the way, they shared their beliefs and traditions, forming a strong bond to eventually become a distinct nomadic community.
Members of the caravan exhibited a diverse variety of professions and skills. They were made up of engineers, navigators, carpenters, traders, performers, philosophers, and farmers, to name just a few. All played distinct and important roles in the caravan’s survival.
Navigating the colossal trading route by sea was common in these days, traders used to exchange spices, oils, silks, grains and precious materials.
Commandeers of the oceans, the clans were not used to land based living. This was something new.
Encountered by stormy high seas the clans found themselves bound towards a tropical island for safe refuge.
Bad weather was the demise of the caravan, but also opened up the opportunity to begin a renewed life on the arable land.
They encountered a major storm complete with strong wind, thunder, and crashin waves, and many ships were sadly sunk and lost.
While crossing the Indian Ocean, they encountered a major storm with strong winds and rain, thunder and lightning, and tremendous crashing waves. Many ships were sunk, and, sadly, many lives were lost. The surviving ships were scattered in the roiling sea throughout the dark of night.
Once the storm passed, the battered caravan found itself adrift in the vast ocean, off their charted course. Considering the damage done to the fleet, and the caravan’s extreme fatigue, the weary travelers searched for a place to recover their health and replenish their provisions.
So the carpenters and engineers patched up the ships, and everybody pitched in as best they could. And with the guiding hands of the skillful navigators, they followed the trail of the stars and eventually landed on a cape in the Andaman Sea. This cape, known as ‘Jungceylon Cape’ and originally a part of Phang Nga province, is what is known today as Phuket Island.
The travelers were shipwrecked and destitute, but found a safe haven on a fertile island, bursting with coconuts, exotic fruits, and fish. The four fictitious clans who sailed the high seas with the ancient caravan have inspired Keemala’s architecture, philosophy, design, cuisine, and spa treatments.
Once they were shipwrecked and destitute they found a safe haven on an isle boasting fertile land, with plentiful coconuts, exotic fruits and fish, this isle is now known as Phuket Island. Keemala’s architecture, design, spa treatments, cuisine inspiration and ethos is inspired by the four fictitious clans who sailed the high seas to trade goods for years.
On the hillside the mountain had a lush canopy that protected them against the elements
The clans made Phuket Island their home and began to raise families, farm the land and to enjoy its bountiful resources.
The shipwrecked group found that the cape held abundant resources. The soil was rich, perfect for agriculture. The water was clean, clear, and plentiful. The tropical weather was relatively mild and consistent. It was such an enticing location that this once-nomadic tribe considered settling down.
Eventually, they built a village up on the hillside where the mountain and lush canopy would protect them against the elements, while still having full view of the bay.
Some were concerned that the diverse cultures within the group might clash. However, the travelers fully embraced their differences and ultimately created an extraordinarily unified, and peaceful community.
The community consisted of four clans, each with distinct beliefs and way of life. They kept their traditions and offered their knowledge and beliefs, all the while being helpful and respectful of one another.
يمتد التزامنا بالبساطة الرائعة إلى فن الطهي الصافي الذي نخصصه للأذواق الصحية الأصيلة لمطبخ فوكيت وما وراءه. تنغمس Keemala في المكونات النابضة بالحياة التي تزرع على أرضنا للحصول على أنقى وأجرأ النكهات ، مع تأثير لطيف على أرضنا.
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